Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda, Shaker (340g) Online kopen bij USfoodz

Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda, Shaker (340g)

- €2.20
  • €2.79
  • €4.99


Arm & Hammer's pure baking soda has endless possibilities. From baking to cleaning! Bad odors in the dishwasher, waste bin or in the carpet? With the baking soda from Arm & Hammer you make short work of it.

Use it in the washing machine for fresher clothes or in the kitchen for the sink, sink or for cleaning kitchen appliances. Arm & Hammer baking soda is also very suitable for the bathroom. Bathtubs, sinks and tiles become sparkling clean with it.

Or bake the most delicious treats with this baking soda! Give your homemade bread, biscuits, cake and muffins extra airiness.


Ingredients : 100% pure sodium bicarbonate.